Monday, March 30, 2015


photo cred: google

Exercising. Exxeerrccisssiiinnnnggg. Not a huge fan. Actually, I don't mind exercising. I mean I'm not that gym junkie that makes odd pooping grunts when I lift. When I think of exercising I do think of running. "Run like the wind Bulls-eye!" -Woody, Toy Story. But I don't run. I hate running. Actually, I can't run. Whhaaattt??? Yeah, I was told by my cardiologist that I WASN'T ALLOWED to run. If I did, heeellllooooo hospital. I don't like going to hospitals, because one, the bills are high, and two, the waiting room sucks. So I do what I can to make sure I don't go to the hospital.

When I exercise, it's not the whole running and jogging and the whole shabang, because I can't. Usually I just do the basics: the elliptical as a warm-up for a mile, do my leg workouts, ride the bike for two miles, then do my arms and abs work-out. It is pretty simple. Simple enough that I take my own time. I am usually there for about two hours. Well, I try to be. 

Exercising is very good for the heart. Did you know that if you exercise or do something active for about 30 minutes everyday, it could save you in the long run? In order to keep your heart healthy, you have to make yourself healthy.  


  1. I love/hate working out. It's great that you get to do some exercise! It's great for preventive measures!

  2. Exercising is a great stress reliever for me, especially since i started college it helps get my mindset right and takes it off school for a couple hours so i can focus on myself.

  3. I don't mind working out. Getting to the gym is the hard part!

  4. I love running and doing cardio. It is very relaxing.
